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Subtidal reef surveys 

Since 2010 we have been conducting surveys on subtidal reefs along the Israeli Mediterranean coast as well as during three expeditions to other Mediterranean regions (Cyprus, Crete and southern Italy). In these surveys we learn about the current status of Levant Mediterranean reefs, create a quantitative baseline of reef communities for monitoring, describe the community variability in space and time (seasons) and study the impacts of overfishing and the effectiveness of marine reserves. We survey fish, microalgae and macro-invertebrates along transects using a variety of methods.  Recently, we added a mini-ROV to our arsenal and it was already in action this year surveying our northern reefs.
Our new mini-ROV in action 

National Institute of Oceanography,

Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research (IOLR),

Haifa, 3109701, Israel.

PO Box 9753.

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